
Contact us for an emergency appointment. Take some painkillers e.g. Paracetamol or Ibuprofen. You should make sure that you read the label first and avoid going over the maximum dose.
DO NOT be tempted to place a tablet next to the painful tooth. This does not relieve the pain and can cause a tissue burn.

Swollen gum

Contact us for an emergency appointment.
A swelling usually occurs because of an infection. The infection may be in a tooth or in the gum. Your dentist will examine the painful area, probably take an x-ray and may prescribe antibiotics. You will normally need further treatment to rectify the problem.

Bleeding after an extraction

There may be slight bleeding for the first day or so and you may be concerned about the apparent amount of blood. This is because a small amount of blood is mixed with a larger amount of saliva making it look more dramatic than it is.
If you do notice bleeding, do not rinse out, but apply pressure to the socket.
Bite firmly on a folded piece of clean cotton material such as a handkerchief for at least 15 minutes.
Make sure this is placed directly over the extraction site and that the pad is replaced if necessary.
If the bleeding has not stopped after an hour or two, contact us for an emergency appointment.

Crown fallen off / broken

Contact us for an emergency appointment.
Keep your crown safe and bring it to the practice so that we can re-cement it. Occasionally it may not be possible to refix it in which case we will discuss the options with you but we will always try to provide a temporary covering for the tooth. Sometimes root canal treatment is necessary if decay has entered the root.

Broken denture

Bring all the pieces to the practice so that we can arrange to have the denture repaired. You may opt to take the denture direct to the dental laboratory which is to the left of the practice entrance. An impression of your mouth may be needed in which case you will need an appointment with a dentist.

Tooth knocked out

Keep calm.
Find the tooth and pick it up by the crown (the white part). Avoid touching the root.
If the tooth is dirty, wash it briefly (10 seconds) under cold running water and carefully put it back into the socket. Bite gently on a handkerchief to hold it in position.
If this is not possible, place the tooth in a glass of milk. The tooth can also be transported in the mouth, keeping it between the molars and the inside of the cheek. Avoid storage in water.
Contact us for an immediate emergency appointment and bring the tooth with you.

Tooth pushed out of place

If the tooth is pushed inward or outward and is out of place, you should apply light finger pressure to reposition it to its normal alignment. Do not force it into its socket. Use a moist tissue or gauze to hold the tooth in its place.
Contact us for an emergency appointment.

Fractured tooth

Contact us for an emergency appointment. The treatment of a fractured tooth depends on how severe it is. Do not panic because it is easy to restore a fractured tooth. If it feels painful avoid biting on the tooth and avoid hot or cold food and drink.

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